You other problems usually start with the letter “C” :
" CAR"
It is often a source of friction, either when there is a lottery for a collective parking area; park right; number of vacancies.
Barks; odors; fear, depending on race and size; among other problems caused by animals in general.
It should not be considered a source of conflict, however many tenants complain of noise and uproar.
Acompanhamento de reuniões
Hydraulics in general; water infiltration; casting and waterproofing; between others.
noises; inadequate posture in dealing with employees and tenants; between others.
Suporte jurídico para acompanhamento nas reuniões entre síndico e condôminos.
We have already helped our customers with:
Complete Legal Advice to Condominiums / Participation in Meetings / Extrajudicial and Judicial Collection for defaulters / Consultancy to Condominiums / Condominium Regularization / Implementation of Condominiums / Training to Trustees and Council / Defense in Legal Actions / Consultancy to Residents' Associations and Allotments / Legal Opinions / Preparation and Updating of Convention and Internal Regulations / Extrajudicial Notifications / Problems with Neighbors / Problems with Works in the Condominium / Institution of Building Condominiums / Problems in the Condominium Property / Constructive Addiction / Analysis and Confection of Contracts
Pareceres jurídicos
Elaboração e Atualização de Convenção e Regimentos Interno
Notificações Extrajudiciais
Problemas com Vizinhos
Problemas com Obras no Condomínio
Instituição de Condomínios Edifícios
Problemas no Imóvel de Condomínio
Vício Construtivo
Análise e Confecção de Contratos
Rua Vicente Linhares, nº 521 - Room 709
Humberto Santana Business Center Building - Aldeota - Fortaleza/CE, CEP 60.135-270
E-mail: praxedesadv1@gmail - Tel: _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_(85) 3067.4660